A soon-to-be-released full-length movie about food allergies is executive produced by Mandi Kearns. Mandi, using her education and experience as an elementary school teacher, is an advocate for her son who was diagnosed with food allergies at eight months old. She has worked with FARE and Children’s Mercy Hospital and also founded her support group. Her current undertaking is Just Like You – Food Allergies. Through immersive storytelling, the project will show people what it’s like to live with food allergies. It demonstrates that we are all truly more alike than different, and in doing so, eradicate long-held food allergy myths and topple dangerous stigmas. Girl Meets World actors August Maturo and Ava Kolker reteamed for this docu-drama VR project. Maturo is serving as its executive producer, with Kolker aboard as a producer. Mandi discusses her drive to create a more inclusive and compassionate world.
More information about Just Like You Films can be found here: https://www.justlikeyoufilms.org/
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