Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson | Episode 154

Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson’s journey is one of invention and exploration; she has had a unique and captivating life. Dr. Swanson is Chief Medical Officer at SpoonfulONE and Before Brands. Her professional journey includes a Masters in Bioethics, and she is an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. Swanson is also an official spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. In addition to this impressive resume, Dr. Swanson has authored Mama Doc Medicine: Finding Calm and Confidence in Parenting, Child Health, and Work-Life Balance.
The media can have a powerful impact on what people believe. Dr. Swanson discusses how Katie Couric and Jennifer McCarthy influenced public opinion on medical care as well as her professional journey. As she led the charge as the creator and author of Seattle Mama Doc blog for Seattle Children’s Hospital’, she also chats about how social media and online tools can strengthen communication between healthcare providers and patients.
Dr. Swanson discusses her work at SpoonfulONE, science-based nutrition that helps to introduce common food allergens early during the immune system’s development. She talks about the importance to unlearn the fear instilled in parents about early introduction of foods in our babies and the need to rebirth the idea of food freedom. She answers if early introduction is seeing a drop in pediatric food allergies and shares the interesting results.
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