Dr. William Reisacher | Episode 72

Dr. William Reisacher ShandeeLand

Dr. William Reisacher is an Otolaryngic Allergist at Weill Cornell Medical College who sees people with a wide range of ear, nose, throat, and allergy problems. While his clinical expertise lies in the diagnosis and management of airborne and food allergies in adults and children, he has also developed an allergy toothpaste to combat respiratory allergies.  The toothpaste is designed to integrate into patients’ everyday routines, desensitizing them to their allergen and boosting their immunity to the very airborne substances that cause allergy sufferers to sneeze and cough and wheeze. It contains an extra ingredient other toothpastes lack — extracts of the common airborne allergens.  After much success and suffering with a peanut allergy himself, Dr. Reisacher is the innovator of another toothpaste that may help relieve peanut allergies.  The toothpaste can be an excellent avenue for immunotherapy for allergies.  Dr. Reisacher joins the podcast to talk about his concept, the innovation process, and his hope to win the FARE Faith Challenge.

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