Zidaan Kapoor is an awe-inspiring guest. At 16 years old and a sophomore in high school, this impressive young man is an activist and entrepreneur. Also an advocate for the food allergy community, he is the founder of Fight Fears, an app that helps children overcome anxiety and mental health issues through individualized challenges. He shares his food allergy journey and how he was influenced by his mental health challenges. Zidaan discusses how his business idea came to fruition and the significant ways he is making it happen. He is making his mark in the world and will affect and excite you at every turn of this conversation.
Add your name to the app’s waitlist: https://www.fight-fears.com/
Listen to Zidaan’s TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR31p_cZSqTezqiPYQt747tVz2ywsWkLA4vZRp7lUb31OgpKA28FRVGQ-og&v=YXHwXScNqUQ&feature=youtu.be
Peruse his photography here: https://www.revelinlight.com